Thanksgiving Spanish Coloring Book

This book was created for kids or busy adults who love to color and would like to review Thanksgiving Spanish vocabulary. We like to take coloring books like this with us when traveling or for coloring on the go.
- 25 SINGLE SIDED COLORING PAGES: Inside this thanskgiving coloring book, you will find the most common thanksgiving spanish words. Words included: turkey, feast, pilgrim, pumpkin, autumn, acorn, bake, bread, buns, corn, cranberry, home, friends, family, dinner. On the left side of the book you will find the vocabulary used on the coloring pages, on the right side of the book you will see the illustrations.
- GREAT GIFT: a great idea for anyone who loves Thanksgiving, Día de acción de gracias, learn spanish, homeschooling. Perfect for as activity spanish for kids. Coloring reduces stress and kids can express their creativity.
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Some of the pages included: