
Spanish Printable Alphabet Flashcards Fun Pack

Spanish Printable Alphabet Flashcards Fun Pack

Printable Alphabet Spanish Flashcards are very helpful when teaching common vocabulary to kids. Kids engage more when using colorful pictures and playful charachters. ABC Spanish flashcards are like little language adventures, making spanish learning an exciting playtime activity. The Magic of Learning through Play These are some ideas on how to use these Alphabet Spanish…

Spanish Spring Flashcards

Spanish Spring Flashcards

Flashcards to learn common spring words in Spanish. This set contains 40 Flashcards to be used as control cards or to play different games. Perfect to review spring vocabulary in Spanish Words included : abeja, pájaro, conejo, mariposa, oruga, pollito, nube, huevo, flor, rana, mariquita, hoja, nido, lluvia, arcoiris, oveja, sol árbol, tulipán, gusano (bee,…

List of animals in spanish
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List of animals in spanish

Children love animals, so it is a good topic to review with children. We are reviewing following common animals in spanish names: Perro,caballo, pájaro, gato, león, toro, vaca, gallo, gallina, paloma, mariposa, ratón, mosca, pollo, rata, pez, serpiente, cerdo, tigre, lobo, mono, oveja, gusano, araña, oso, hormiga, conejo, pato, elefante, tortuga, abeja. See Also: Animals…