Halloween emotions coloring pages

Halloween is approaching and my children can’t wait to wear their customes, all the candy and celebrations. What better opportunity than to prepare some halloween feelings coloring pages for them to practice the Spanish language.
This time I have decided to combine pumpkins and ghosts with emotions. I have created coloring pages so we can talk about feelings vocabulary in spanish.
How do we use these pages?
- Review the colors: when we sit at the table to color these pages, I always leave a pile of crayons on the table. Every time they take one in their hand I make some observation like: That ghost will look pretty in pink.
- Review words related to Halloween: have you thought about what costume you will wear, what costume your friend will wear, and so on.
- Review emotions: this ghost is sad, what do you think happened to him?
Both resources have common feelings words in spanish: enojado, ansionso, aburrido, confiado, confundido, avergonzado, gruñon, feliz, alegre, travieso, orgulloso, triste, asustado, tímido, enfermo, somnoliento, estresado, malhumorado, sorprendido.
The coloring pages can be found in TpT:

You can also check my other coloring pages.